About This Author

Hi there!

I'm a grandmother, a nursing educator, an avid knitter and an aspiring writer. I created this page for family and friends who expressed interest in reading my writing. It is mostly poetry with a few short stories sprinkled here and there .

The poem on this page is one my Mom favored. The collectible trinket is from a needlework picture of Longfellow's home she completed. Mom loved poetry and was an avid reader. She and my brother,Rasputin , inspire me still.

I have a published form modification called the Rondel Grand Modified; it is located here:

Drop me a note by clicking on the "Contact Me" link above and let me know you stopped to visit.

Happy reading and write on!

Spring's Bellwether
Folded young green shoots
Fledgling crocus nudge brown dirt
Easing toward warmth

Cupping an encased
Flower, yellow or purple
Delicate petals

Stretch for sun's soft light
Push fresh rough ground aside to
Inhale oxygen

First hint of velvet
Like a first breath of new life
Signals season's birth

Each petal gingerly opens
Teasing spring with hope’s color

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